Friday, April 18, 2008

Bugs bunny and Daffy Duck the happy miser

One of my friends in the knitting group I'm in shared this video about a discussion they have been having.

I have to post this here because this short clip, illustrates how we hang onto stuff because we think it is the stuff that makes us wealthy or rich.

The stuff is only a tool and the actual wealth comes from how the stuff is utilized by us or others.

It also shows how stuff can destroy us and change us.

I'd rather be like Bugs...enjoying what I do have and not letting my stuff control me.


ChelleC said...

Yeah but stuff can be fun. (i.e. my new lime green bag) and my yarn . . . but overall, you're right, the desire for STUFF can control you.

Unknown said...

Oh, I can't wait to see your lime green bag. Yarn is, in my opinion, useful stuff. I use yarn to make something - express my creativity - and in turn enrich my life and the life of others. If Stuff becomes a burden well then it isn't good.