Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Back in the Saddle

I'm back in town from a week of study leave. Last week I was in St. Louis at the national Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network (POAMN) conference. I presented on workshop and co-presented a second. As a whole I think that went well. Since I'm new to this presenting and workshop presenter game it is always a learning experience and since I'm my own worst critic I'm never as good as I want to be. But as a whole I thought the conference was a good one and it's an organization I am glad to be associated. I hope to post some pictures later this week. Sunday's sermon (May 4th) is mostly written as I had to write up the worship service to be published in the Older Adult Resource Guide for this year and will be using that service outline and lectionary texts to talk about Leaving a Living Legacy (the conference theme) to kick off Older Adult Week.

I got up this morning and made muffins. Banana Nut Muffins.

I used the recipe in the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook (the blue and red and white checkerboard covered). The Basic Muffin Recipe and then I modified it as I like to do. I had enough bananas to make a double batch so I used half whole wheat and half unbleached white flour. I used brown sugar and sugar in the raw instead of white sugar. They turned out real earthy and not too sweet. My batch made 18 sizable muffins and we will be eating on them all week.

Gotta go for now. More later as I catch up with life.

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