Usually January is party month. I celebrated my 19th wedding anniversary and my 45th birthday so far this month. My DH’s birthday is coming up later this week.
Unlike past years, somethings have popped up that have attempted to ‘spoil’ the festivities. Problems at work, difficult relationship with friends and or family, being dissed by people you thought were your friend, breaking long loved objects, having minor accidents and problems happen to loved ones.
Yet even with the ‘spoilers’ the moments of learning and reflection have in and of themselves been a gift. I am pleased to say that they have not ruined any of the true celebration that has happened this month and I grateful for the learning the somethings have provided for me.
The 19th Wedding Anniversary was wonderful, it began with breakfast at Winstead's, a trip to the Kemper, US Toy, and lunch at Gates BBQ.
My 45th birthday was shared with the nation. My birthday falls on Inauguration Day every four years. This year was spent glued to the TV after a very early (we were in the restaurant, this time IHOP) before 6 am, breakfast! It was a momentous day. Although I someday would like to attend an Inauguration, or at least I thought I did when I was younger, I was very glad to be toasty and warm in front of my TV on the 20th. I could cry tears of joy, and share the day with my DH. Of course something came up that caused me to take a detour over to the church – this time one of the sanctuary furnaces, but it didn’t ruin the day.
Although the family celebrations were quiet this year, I did have a great day with my friends Charlotte and Donna as we ate lunch later in the week at my favorite KC restaurant, Eden Alley. I was even able to catch our day – Donna has a January Bday too!
I am grateful for the somethings, especially for the hurtful something that happened at my Saturday knitting group. The experience of standing there in a very loud and crowded coffee shop taught me what I need. I have learned that in order to nurture my knitting, I need a quieter environment and I need space to sit and put my pattern and cup of coffee and in the past several times at knit group, I haven’t had the space I’ve needed and Saturday there was no space for another knitter at the table. I need more than just pulling up a chair to an overcrowded corner of table and fighting for elbow space. I need a place where people appreciate me and are going to invite me to sit and help me find a place to sit. I have done well in coping with chaos throughout my life, but chaos and noise is one of those somethings that do not nurture me as a person. I am good at coping with chaos and dealing with the somethings that emerge from chaos, but I don’t need that in my life. My big learning was that I need to find a new knitting group that meets in a quieter setting that is less chaotic, loud and crowded…and one that will be more welcoming.
Carla, what a birthday you must have had on inauguration day - and your 45th! A special one. Being an Election Day baby myself, I think that such birthdays mean that we are INBORN to be political and social news junkies (grin).
I'm glad you're taking your experiences in stride and getting in touch with what you need in terms of a knitting group. Perhaps you could even start one of your own?
Winsteads is where Bob and I had our first date. Happy belated Birthday.
Thanks Chelle! I am a political and social news junkie. My 8th Grade Social Studies teacher told me I should go into politics and compared me to Bella Abzug (dating myself I know). I actually think that politics would be easier at times than the church work I do now. The church is very political.
In terms of my knitting; my recent experience has not stopped me...knitting is viral! I will find a place even if I have to start my own group and it may not be a Saturday group.
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