Saturday, July 5, 2008

Knitting and Swaps and such

I really am trouble getting my head back in the knitting game, although I had a lovely afternoon with Sit Sip and Knit group this afternoon. I worked on my Nunkin socks and on DH's sweater, which had been hibernating for a while. I haven't knitted for nearly two weeks due to being at General Assembly.

One thing I've come to realize is that I want to keep this blog for my knitting stuff and use my other blog that I started for General Assembly for my church related comments, so.... that's what I'm doing. If you care to see my views or reflections of a theological or comments on other such stuff go to my other blog Blogging My Way to San Jose.

I've also come to realize that I'm involved in too may swaps at this time. I'm signed up for five and have committed myself to NOT sign up for any more swaps. They are fun and I love getting surprises in the mail but I need to focus my energies on some other task.

Of course I have committed to these swaps so I will fulfill my commitment. I went to my local yarn shop (LYS) and bought all the yarn I needed to fulfill my commitments to my spoilees on Thursday and will be spending the next couple of weeks getting my packages prepared and mailed. I really do like this swaping but I can truly say I've had that experience and need to use the time to experience something else.

I goofed up the Four Seasons - Summer - Swap in that I forgot to contact my spoilee and then sent her a note through Ravelry. It was suppose to be a anonymous swap and I was suppose to use my anonymous e-mail addy for that contact.....OOPS!

Here are the swaps I'm currently doing: Summer of Yarn Love (this is such a cool swap...three months of surprises) I will mail the July package next week.

BBQ swap...I'm late in mailing this one but have been in contact with my spoilee in Belgium and this package will be mailed on Monday...

Four Seasons - Summer - Swap....As I said earlier, I think I messed this one up.

Books and More Swap....I just need to get the book and the rest of the package will fall into place. Borders, where I usually get my books just downsized and moved its knitting and crocheting books and none of us in SSK are happy. I am going to write to the manager about our disappointment....I'll have to go to B&N or JoAnns to get the book for this swap.

and finally Swap on a Budget. This one will get mailed this week or next week.

I'm usually pretty organized, but I have let this get out of after this no more swaps for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling of getting over your head in swaps! I seem to be addicted (the knitting ones as well as ones on I really have to watch myself to be sure I'm not committing to too many.

~Secret Spoiler