Saturday, May 10, 2008

We Ain't Ready

I’m relatively new to the blog world and blogging. I’m on that age cusp between Baby Boomer and Gen X. I’m fascinated with my Gen X colleagues and their use of technology. I read their blogs and I’m inspired by them.

I know there is an Age Wave that the Boomers are just starting to crest and we ain’t ready. This is **WHY** I went back to school to get the second degree in Social Gerontology. The Human life cycle has fascinated me an early age. I love exploring and understanding human development and very little has been done past childhood.

What does Middle Adult development look like. Gail Sheehy looked at this in her books Passages and New Passages. I read Passages in High School – yeah I know I’m a freak just like my friend Shelly calls me. Older Adult development is pretty much only mentioned, until just recently, by Erik Erickson.

Well the impact on the aging population on the church – especially the PCUSA has been of interest to me for about a decade. Presbyterian really means THE CHURCH OF ELDERS. Elders are how govern ourselves, but I like the play on words, considering the average Presbyterian is now reaching close to 60 years of age.

Well I stumbled upon a blog this morning that had a post that asked important questions and the post is titled Boomer Retirement Wave. Carol Howard Merritt is a PCUSA colleague, author, and a Gen X pastor. She is asking important questions.

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